Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Dr Gullett is concerned

Dr Gullett is very concerned about our sweet girl Gretel. She is going  do a urinanalaysis due to her high calcium levels and start her on IV because her white blood count is too low. Thanks again to all!!
Keep her in your thoughts and prayers!!

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

thanks to all/ Foster Home needed soon

Thanks to all that have sent financial & moral support. These babies are so sweet!! Dr Gullett guesses their age at around 6 months. Gretel she thinks is a full blooded boxer. Hansel could be a Shepherd mix.
Hansel is fairing well although he has a long recovery. He destroyed what I thought would be a good bed, an outdoor chaise lounge chair cushion. It is a cushion no more, just a cover. Oh well at least he enjoyed destroying it!!
Gretel on the other hand, is full of infection, has a low white blood count and high calcium count. She is also starting to show beginning signs of distemper. She was already on antibiotics for infection so we added antihistamines along with daily ivermictin and pain medication. I hope it is an reaction to the vaccine, but Dr Gullett has them in a patient room right now to be safe. She is the sweetest baby. You open the door to see them and she & Hansel get up to show their love!
They will make some splendid companions when all the pain and suffering is over.
Right now we are looking for a inside foster home for them. They can not board with out altering and their bodies are just took weak. They will be ready to leave the hospital soon, so please consider fostering them temporarily until other arrangements can be made.
Bless you all.

Monday, September 21, 2009

Hansel & Gretel's story

Hansel and Gretel were abandoned, most likely thrown away like trash. They were befriended by a nice man and woman that started feeding them, caring for them the best the could. They knew the pups needed medical attention and reached out to the email rescue network in the Memphis area. Someone told them "just take them to the shelter". But Manny & Elkie knew that was a death sentence for sure.

They continued to care for the pups and waited a week or so and tried the email community again. This time several strangers banded together with the couple and got them to Northgate Animal Hospital.
They are safe, dry and have beed diagnosed with advance demodetic mange. Although not contagious, it must be very painful in this advanced stage. They have been started on antibiotics and will need daily medication for months. Dr Gullett stated they would not have survived another month without treatment. Their prognosis is good, but they have a long row to hoe. It will be winter before they have much hair and be ready for adoption.
Thank you Manny and Elke for helping these abandoned babies. Thank you Gwen for getting me involved. Thank you Janice, Leslie, Taylor and Teresa for your offers to help. Thank you Dr Gullett and staff at Northgate for caring for these castaways.

If you would like to help Hansel, Gretel, Rover{ who skinned his own dead tail, because some idiot put a rubber band on it cutting off all the circulation} or any of our loving abandoned dogs, PLEASE DONATE TODAY! We feel like we are running a Heartworm Hotel with all the heartworm positive dogs waiting on treatment in our care. All donations are tax deductible to the fullest extent of the law.